

News 31 Oct 2023
Collaborative meeting between ASOIU and AFSI representatives

On October 31, a meeting took place at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) between representatives of the Azerbaijan Food Safety Institute (AFSI).

During the meeting, which was attended by Professor Latafat Gardashova, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, the academic staff from the Faculty of Chemical Technology, particularly the Department of 'Organic Substances and Technology of High-Molecular Compounds,' engaged in discussions with key individuals including Huseyn Mammadov, the advisor to the Chairman of the Executive Board of AFSI, Tunzala Gojayeva, Director of the Analytical Expertise Center, Rashad Mehdizadeh, Director of Public Relations, and Sabina Nuruzadeh, Service Organization Specialist, to deliberate on collaborative prospects and ongoing tasks related to partnership opportunities.

Following a briefing by the Head of the Department of "Substances and Technology of High Molecular Compounds," Professor Fariz Amirov, Vice-Rector Latafat Gardashova discussed the relations between the Institute and ASOIU, highlighting the teaching of food safety specialization and the training of specialized professionals in this field at the university.

During the meeting, the guests provided information on the institute's activity directions and emphasized the importance of such events for both institutions. A presentation was made during the meeting by the "Food Safety Volunteers" initiative operating under the Food Safety Agency.

Subsequently, the guests toured the laboratories at the university, familiarizing themselves with the facilities available.
