

News 21 Dec 2017
American scientist lectures UFAZ students on successful entrepreneurship

On December 20 the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) functioning under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with a special guest from Virginia (USA) Dr. Keith T. Miller, the former president of Virginia State University and president emeritus of Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania.

The guest covered a very significant topic of all times – the successful entrepreneurship and the importance of change. In addition to leading institutions in Virginia and Pennsylvania, Dr. Keith Miller has worked closely with organizations such as the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). He currently works as a consultant at the AASCU-Penson Center for Professional Development.

During his lecture, he mainly talked about the importance of change in life and at work. “You have to learn how to delegate tasks. You have to learn to empower people, to give your employees an opportunity to make the right decisions. Especially if you work in a big company and supervise a big group of people. Change is eminent. Change is important. But if you run companies you have to provide your team members with an incentive. Incentive is vital. Reward is vital. So that the smart people work for you, you have to know how to reward them right” – Miller said.
