

News 28 Dec 2017
FINAL REPORT of commission created for calculation of additional wages to be given to ASOIU academic staff members

The instruction for calculation of additional wages to be given to ASOIU’s academic staff members was approved by the decision of the Academic Board dated January 25, 2017. 71 employees of the university submitted their documents to the commission chaired by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli from December 1 through to December 7, 2017. The submitted documents were examined during the meetings of the commission held on December 8-15, 2017, and the list of employees fully complying with the terms of the competition has been defined and posted on the university website on December 16.

Those disagreeing with the results of the commission could submit a notice of appeal to the Rector. The commission viewed the inquiries on December 18-20, 2017 from 12:00 until 14:00 in room 218, and the final list of employees fully complying with the terms of the competition has been defined:

Zarifa Jahangir Afandiyeva – 48 points
Tulparkhan Sharabudinovich Salavatov – 62.55 points
Huseyn Ramazan Gurbanov – 40.2 points
Sakit Rauf Rasulov – 40.2 points
Abbas Heydar Rzayev – 63.8 points
Gulshan Rasul Mustafayeva – 39 points
Fariz Ali Amirov – 52.6 points
Karam Seyfi Shikhaliyev – 95.6 points
Alakbar Aghasaf Hasanov – 43.2 points
Chingiz Shirin Ibrahimov – 81.4 points
Fakhraddin Vali Yusubov – 62.4 points
Durdana Bakir Shirinova – 41 points
Sevinch Nizami Guliyeva – 25 points
Ibhrahim Abulfaz Habibov – 42.3 points
Rauf Khalil Malikov – 37.2 points
Kamala Rafig Aliyeva – 66 points
Bahram Israfil Ismayilov – 35.4 points
Kamala Shirin Ismayilova – 41 points
Vagif Maarif Abdullayev – 83 points
Araz Rafig Aliyev – 108.4 points
Khanlar Mehvali Hamzayev – 57.2 points
Elnur Hasan Khalilov – 47 points
Latafat Abbas Gardashova – 87,4 points
Lala Mehdi Zeynalova – 82 points
Konul Imran Jabbarova – 53 points
Aygun Seymur Bayramova – 25 points
Oleg Hajiagha Huseynov– 60.4 points
Fikrat Fakhraddin Yusubov – 25 points
Akif Vali Alizade – 31 points

Farida Mammad Mammadova – 35 points

Jamaladdin Nuraddin Aslanov – 42.3 points


All results were presented at the meeting of the Academic Board on December 27 and were approved by the Academic Board.

Once ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli signs a corresponding decree, the additional wages will be paid starting from January 1, 2018, within the next 12 months.
