

News 22 Feb 2018
Rector of ASOIU meets with students who will pursue their studies abroad

On February 22 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with a group of students who are heading to Germany for a two-week-long training within the scholarship program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  

Rector, Professor Babanli said day by day ASOIU expands its relations with foreign higher education institutions in student mobility. He stressed that thanks to the exchange, young people are now able to undertake an internship overseas. Noting the significance of involving international students in ASOIU and mutual exchange, Rector Babanli emphasized the importance of raising the quality of education for this.

The Rector informed that studying abroad along with being interesting is quite a responsible and glorious task. He shared his own experience with students and gave them necessary recommendations on this path. Highlighting the importance of national fanaticism and love to the motherland, Rector Babanli advised students to represent Azerbaijan worthily outside of its borders and come back to the country with acquired new ideas and improved knowledge.

Notably, 15 students of ASOIU will pursue their education at 4 German universities from March 11 to 25. One of the university students will continue his studies at Rennes School of Chemistry (France) until 2020 through Total’s scholarship program.  
