

News 19 Apr 2018
Rector of ASOIU delivers speech at Conference of International Association of University Presidents

The two-day Conference of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP) titled “Globalization and New Dimensions in Higher Education” held in Baku continues. Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli made a welcome speech at the event hosted by Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU):


Honorable Ministers!

Dear Rectors!

Ladies and gentlemen!

It is a great chance for Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University to host the semi-annual meeting of the International Association of University Presidents. And for me, as the Rector of the University to welcome each of you in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The main topic of our conference is “Globalization and New Dimensions in Higher Education”. During the two days, we will be discussing new horizons and dimensions in education, both at the national and international level, in the context of globalization. As education managers from different countries, we must discuss the hot issues, share our experiences and seek solutions for problems.

Each country develops its own way. Hence, national education systems may differ. But global transformations cover all the countries, which means, we, education managers from different lands, face the same developments, challenges and must react properly, sometimes in harmony.

As the world is transforming so rapidly, our universities, programs, and facilities may not match new realities. Students all over the world now demand specific knowledge, new tools, and modern approach. But we should try not to match our universities for today; we must think of tomorrow. And we must build universities of the future.

The venue for this conference is Flame Towers, a modern and futuristic symbol for Baku and for Azerbaijan, as our country runs toward modernity and progress. In this regard, we are happy to learn the experience of other countries in the field of education in order to apply here and improve our vision, programs, and facilities.

We are also ready to share own experience: both successes and challenges.

I want to thank the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who was re-elected a week ago, for his constant care for education. In fact, education is one of the priorities of his policy: so I am sure this conference goes along with Mr. President’s roadmap on our national education as we can generate a lot of new ideas for improving the quality of education.

I want to thank acting Minister of Education Mr. Jeyhun Bayramov for their support in the reforms and international programs of our university.

I welcome Mr. Mikheil Chkhenkeli, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, who takes part in this conference and brings honor to us. I also thank Mr. Ramu Damodaran, UN official, who has been very active in IUAP events and programs all the time.

My personal thanks go to my friends, Mr. Kakha Shengelia, IAUP President, and Mr. Gerald Reisinger, IAUP Secretary General for giving us a wonderful opportunity to host this event and so many important visitors.

I hope this conference will be useful and productive for everybody also in terms of networking and building new connections. It will be a good forum for us to find common points of interest, promote the cooperation between our universities.

I wish each of you interesting experience in Azerbaijan.

Thank you.
