

News 06 Oct 2019
ASOIU organizes the first “Open microphone” in the 2019-2020 academic year

The first “Open microphone” in the 2019-2020 academic year was organized at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on October 5.

The event was attended by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, academic staff members and students of the university. Greeting the participants, Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli first congratulated the academic staff of the university on the occasion of International Teachers' Day wished them good health and success in their scientific and pedagogical activities. Then speaking about the reforms implemented in the country, Rector underlined that the issues coming from order of the head of state for the development of education have already been resolved. Establishing and increasing new student scholarships, application of innovative education, growth of the number of students studying on governmental base and other projects and programs have led to significant progress in education. At the same time, these innovations implemented at universities with the support and participation of the Ministry of Education have stimulated the creation of a healthy competitive environment in education and the adaptation of education to modern standards.

Touching upon the issues on the admissions process to higher education institutions, rector highlighted that 2870 entrants were enrolled in ASOIU this year and 2254 of them will study on governmental basis. In total, the average admission score at ADNSU was 433 this year. According to the statistics of admission the number of first group applicants with a score of more than 500 points in the country was 1866, of which 901 were enrolled in ASOIU in 2019. 217 out of 554 students who have scored more than 600 points, have chosen ASOIU. This can be observed at the master's and doctoral levels at ASOIU. These are very high indicators for us, the success of the university.

In his speech, Rector Mustafa Babanli highlighted many issues related to teaching and emphasized the importance of students' attendance and mastering the specialty in accordance with the educational programs. He provided broad information on the formation of students' academic activities, assessment of course work and diploma theses, as well as the establishment of Web-distant education systems for the provision of quality education, exam rules and many other important issues. He said that the newly established innovation centers, programs and projects will play significant role in improving the quality of education.

Then, ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov provided information about the the results of the exam session for the spring semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. The winners of the best group nominations were presented to the participants of the event and the groups were awarded the prizes.

Then the rector Mustafa Babanli answered the students' questions and clarified the issues of their interest.
