

News 05 Apr 2023
ASOIU holds seminar on "The foundation for the success of Higher Education: modern training in the auditorium."

On April 5, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a seminar on "The foundation for the success of Higher Education: modern training in the auditorium".

Asif Jahangirov, the President of the International Association of Educational Organisations for Humanistic Pedagogy and education specialist, made a presentation at the seminar attended by Professor Mustafa Babanli, ASOIU Rector, university teaching staff and students. 

At the event, Professor Mustafa Babanli, the Rector,  informed the participants about Asif Jahangirov, a well-known education connoisseur, and spoke about his services in our country's education field, his achievements and contributions to education. He said, A. Jahangirov's seminars and lectures are listened to by the educational community in different countries; they are met with high interest and are shown as an example.

Asif Jahangirov, an education specialist, who made a presentation to a large audience, first shared his experience with the participants. Then he presented "The foundation for the success of Higher Education: modern training in the auditorium". In the topic consisting of 3 parts, many important points related to higher education in modern times were touched upon. Following current challenges and opportunities, the organization of education and training, the mechanism of implementation of educational programs and projects, and the essential points of development, which are constant attention by educational institutions and teachers to train qualified specialists, were mentioned. The well-known education specialist also touched upon the issues of professionalism and competence necessary for teachers and said that these criteria in pedagogical activity are the main qualities characterizing the teacher as an actual creator, innovator and professional. The main points, as well as shortcomings, which are essential for the organization of quality and advanced education and training, were also discussed at the training seminar; issues related to improving the quality indicators of general education, adapting higher education to modern challenges, the flexible establishment of Education Management System, Management of educational programs were discussed.

The seminar, which aroused the great interest of the event participants, continued with questions and answers. ASOIU's academic staff and young specialists addressed numerous questions to the well-known education connoisseur. At the seminar held in the format of mutual discussion, remarks and suggestions were made, and new approaches and modern goals were discussed.
